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Stop Motion & More

Moving images are our passion. Especially when it’s stop motion. As production consultants and line producers, we support producers worldwide from the initial project assessment to the release of the finished film. On the side, we also made some (life action) short films – most recently “One Second of the World”, which is currently on a festival tour.


Stop Motion Picnic in Annecy

What a fabulous event! Around 250 Stop Motion - Professionals joint the very first Nonstop-Stop Motion-Picnic in Annecy, initiated by Eixfilm's Angela Poschet together with Melanie Coombs, Stopmotionsphere,Momakin und Animarkt-

“D” by Dilan Aktay

"D", the new short film by Turkish director Dilan Aktay, is about to start shooting. This film is about a little girl who wants to go to school. But poverty, war and destruction make that impossible. The film is being shot in the earthquake zone of the Mardin region. The project is supported by the Alumni Fund of the Tarabya Cultural Academy, producer is Tuncay Kulaoglu. Rixfilm has consulted during the screen wirting process and is in charge of post-production.

From Kinshasa to Ísafjarðarbíó

The journey of the “Second of the World” continues. At the weekend our short film was screened at the Pigeon International Film Festival high in the north in Ísafjarðarbíó, Iceland. And this week we're off to Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo for the Festival International de Cinéma. This means that the only continent missing is Oceania.

Workshop “Line Producing in Stop Motion”

During this year's ANIMARKT Stop Motion Forum, Angela Poschet held a three-day masters workshop on line production in stop motion. ANIMARKT is a unique conference and meeting place for stop motion professionals from around the world. It takes place every year in October in Lodz, Poland.



We were invited to speak at the wonderful SaqAnima conference in Tbilisi. Small but powerful, this year's conference was mainly dedicated to the topic of stop motion. Thanks to  Mariam Kandelaki and her small but energetic team! SaqAnima is the relatively young Georgian Animation Film Association, which does a lot to ensure that Georgian animated film, but also the services of the local studios are better perceived in Europe and around the world.

A Second tours around the World

"A Second of the World" is traveling around the world. Our short film has already been shown in Nigeria, Indonesia, India and the USA. The film also won a Special Mention for Best International Short Film and the Best Concept Award at the Sittanvasal International Film Festival.

One Night, Three awards

What a weekend! Three awards for our short film "A Second of the World" (Director: Anja Struck): Best Film in the German Competition at the Niederrhein Film Festival in Wesel and at the Harzmovienale in Quedlinburg, both the jury award and the audience award  for the best film in the professional films section. Thanks to the juries, the audience, the festival organizers and of course the whole team.

“A Second of the World” – Now in English

The "Second" is now also available in an English language version. As with the German version, Torben Liebrecht, who is internationally known for his appearances in "Altered Carbon" and "Operation Finale", lent his great voice to the film.

“The House” wins in Annecy

Great news from the world's most important animated film festival in Annecy, France: "The House", for which Angela Poschet was responsible as line producer, wins the jury prize for the best TV special.

Award for the “Second”

The German Filmbewertungsstelle awarded our short EINE SEKUNDE DER WELT with the highest grade "besonders wertvoll". Awesome. Here is the press text with the short form of the reason: "A second is not a long time. And yet so much can happen in it. A life can change forever, a love can begin, a person break, a thought illuminate. The writer Siegfried Lenz has this fascination with the smallest unit of time in his short story "One second of the world" captured.